Wybrane publikacje 2020-21
- Chajduk E., Kalbarczyk P. Critical comparison of INNA and ICP-MS applied in the characterization of purity of TRISO fuel and substrates to its production. Nukleonika, 66, 4, 121-126 (2021).
- Dybczyński R.S., Kulisa K. Separation of rare earth elements (REE) by ion interaction chromatography (IIC) using diglycolic acid (ODA) as a complexing agent. Chromatographia, 84, 473-482 (2021).
- Kiegiel K., Roubinek O., Gajda D., Kalbarczyk P., Zakrzewska-Kołtuniewicz G., Chmielewski A. G. The studies on uranium recovery from U-bearing Radionów Dump. Nukleonika, 66, 4, 115-119 (2021).
- Metwally M. G., Benhawy A. H., Khalifa R. M., El Nashar R. M., Trojanowicz M. Application of molecularly imprinted polymers in analysis of waters and wastewaters. Molecules, 26, 6515(38p.) (2021).
- Paterek A., Oknińska M., Chajduk E., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Mączewski M., Mackiewicz U. Systemic iron deficiency does not affect the cardiac iron content and progression of heart failure. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 159, 16-27 (2021).
- Poboży E., Trojanowicz M. Application of capillary electrophoresis for determination of inorganic analytes in waters. Molecules, 26, 6972(37p.) (2021).
- Stankowski S., Chajduk E., Osińska B., Gibczyńska M., Biomass ash as a potential raw material for the production of mineral fertilisers. Agronomy Research, 19, 4, 1999-2012 (2021).
- Wawrowicz K., Majkowska-Pilip A., Gaweł D., Chajduk E., Pieńkowski T., Bilewicz A., Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticle bioconjugates for the therapy of HER2+ breast cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma. Model studies on the applicability of 193mPt and 195mPt radionuclides in Auger electron therapy. Molecules, 26, 2051(20p.) (2021).
- Zuba I., Drwal A., Drwal K., Pawlukojć A., Comparison study of ruthenium sorption on Fe3O4 and Fe3O4@MnO2 in hydrochloric and nitric acids. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 327, 891-896 (2021).
- Chajduk E., Kalbarczyk P., Dudek J., Pyszynska M., Bojanowska-Czajka A., Samczyński Z., Development of analytical procedures for chemical characterization of substrates for the production of TRISO coated particles as nuclear fuel in high temperature gas-cooled reactors. Sustainability, 12, 17, 7221(13pp.) (2020).
- Kowalski Ł., Weckwerth P., Chabowski M., Adamczyk K., Jodłowski P., Szczepańska G., Chajduk E., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Kozicka M., Kukawka S. Towards ritualisation: Insights into bone-tempered pottery from the TRB settlement in Kałdus (Poland, 3500-3350 BC). Ceramics International, 46, 3099-3112 (2020).
- Zuba I., Zuba M., Piotrowski M., Pawlukojć A. Ruthenium as an important element in nuclear energy and cancer treatment. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 162, 109176(5pp.) (2020).
- Chajduk E., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Zastosowanie neutronowej analizy aktywacyjnej w bioanalityce. w Bioanalityka w nauce i życiu – tom 2. Nowe strategie analityczne i rozwiązania aparaturowe, pod redakcją I. Baranowskiej i B. Buszewskiego, PWN, 2020